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Nick McLean's

6-Week Elite Listing Conversion Course

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To deliver the industry's most comprehensive and effective listing conversion process.  Train agents to execute a proven and repeatable listing process that converts at a marketplace-leading commission and conversion rate.   By the end of this course, agents can increase their income, increase listing inventory, price listings correctly, close more sales, be more persuasive, gain more clients, and scale their business.

Week 1 - Seller Foundations, Seller Scripts, Lead Conversion

  • Mastery, Training, Discipline & The Stockdale Paradox
  • Throughput
  • Seller Intake Form
  • -The 6 most important questions you must ask every homeowner before the meeting.
  • Lead Follow-Up Process
  • Video Marketing to your buyer leads that own homes

Week 2 - Listing Appointment (1 Step & 2 Step)

  • Learn when and how to execute a seamless one-step listing appointment.  Home tour to 7% listing agreement.
  • Learn when and how to execute a two-step listing appointment.

Week 3 - Listing Presentation 

  • Learn how to differentiate yourself from any competition during the listing presentation.  
  • Learn how to increase value throughout the process to earn beyond the top of the market commissions, in many cases 2% more than the market average.

Week 4 - Presenting the Numbers, Pricing & Commission Negotiation

  • Learn how to price and present a market report to a seller, leading to effective pricing that will drive demand.
  • Learn how to present pricing without ever compromising landing the agreement.  Learn how to eliminate the seller’s decision on an agent based on price.
  • Learn how to secure beyond market commissions every time.  Learn how to present a seller net sheet that leads to a signed agreement 90% of the time.

Week 5 - Listing Execution & Listing Programs

  • Learn how to manage seller expectations to reduce future time vampires.  Freeing you up to land more business. 
  • Learn different unique listing programs that work.

Week 6 - How to get more out of every listing 

  • Learn how to leverage your success that will produce more come list my leads and qualified buyers like a moth to flames.
  • Learn how to leverage the process to increase your referrals, social proof and marketing exposure.

Here are the details and deliverables for the 6-week Listing Agent Workshop

  • 102 Page Listing Conversion Manual
  • 6 hours of recorded video training
  • Irresistible Seller Script
  • Circle Prospecting Script
  • Seller Intake and Counseling Form
  • Sellers Sales Process for Maximum Throughput
  • Differentiation Listing Benefit Presentation versus a Traditional Agent
  • Cancellation Guarantee Risk Reversal Form
  • Pre-listing appointment questionnaire
  • 12 compelling value proposition one-liner that established authority and enhances the overall value
  • Pre-foreclosure script
  • Listing promise process to maximize reviews and referrals
  • 5 Unique selling proposition USP listing programs
  • Guaranteed offer and an instant offer program details and execution
  • 36 Seller Facing Marketing Videos that establish authority and pre-eminence in your marketplace
  • 54 pages of expert advertising copy generate listing leads on social media and all your buyer leads
  • Expired Listing Phone Script
  • Just Listed Open House Process and Script
  • Hassle-Free Listing Amendment
  • Commitment to Seller Letter
  • 39 different closing techniques to secure any listing before the competition
  • The 6 Laws to get MORE out of every listing appointment
  • How to present the market analysis pricing so that the seller discovers and chooses the right price to sell in any marketplace
  • How to negotiate and command the highest commission rates in your market by more than 1.27% above the competition


  • To improve the output of your organization there is nothing more important than training
  • Everything is a process. Train a repeatable production process
  • When the pilot pushes back they become the CEO of the company
  • Focus on vitals measurable indicators that can be measured
  • Training must be purposeful and well executed
  • Increase standards and expectations of conduct and responsibilities to the process
  • Increase time in business, time with clients, and quality time with clients
  • Increasing motivation and training are the only ways to increase individual per
  • Training is the highest leverage activity to increase output
  • 10 agents X 2000=20,000. 10% Increase in output equals 2000 hours.
  • Examples 22 calls per week to 22 calls
  • 1 % increase in buyer conversion rate will double most teams' buyer gross commissions

Mastery- the mysterious process during which what is at first difficult becomes progressively easier and more pleasurable through practice

If there is any sure route to success and fulfillment in life, it is to be found in the long-term, essentially goalless process of mastery

Start with something simple

Plateau- On the path to improvement: the general progression is always the same. To take the master's journey, you have to practice diligently, striving to hone your skills, to attain new levels of competence. But while doing so, you also have to be willing to spend most of your time on a plateau, to keep practicing even when you seem to be getting nowhere

Discipline- Control gained by enforcing obedience or order. Orderly conduct or pattern of behavior.

The Stockdale Paradox- You must maintain unwavering faith that you can and will prevail in the end, regardless of the difficulties, and at the same time have the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.

Grier Allen, CEO, BOOMTOWN

"Nick, your presentation was pure gold. It's actionable knowledge from Titans like you that makes BoomTown UNITE such a special event every year. Thanks for giving back to the community that we are so proud to serve."

- Grier Allen, CEO, BOOMTOWN

Tad Fulford

"I’ll vouch for Nick McLean if anyone is on the fence about this. I believe he is philosophically on top of his game more than anyone I follow currently. My agents and I have grown from his input. Do it."

- Tad Fulford

 Curtis Counts

"We took the listing course, it was all around terrific!"

- Curtis Counts

Michael Perna

"Nicks Listing Mastery Course goes beyond the basics (canned brokerage presentation) to the details needed to convert listings at a high level. All 8 of our agents and myself took the course & as we're practicing & implementing each nuance our conversation rates are going up. It makes sense why he has a 20% market share & is growing. If you're looking for listings to be the mainstay of your business this course is a must take."

- Michael Perna